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Monday, February 8, 2016

Why do I have to say goodbye?

In the wee hours of Saturday morning, I was forced to say goodbye to one of my best friends. He was of the fluffy pawed variety and his name was Wallace. I am told writing about things makes it hurt less, however, I don't really believe it. When his daddy died, I thought I had too. That was so many years ago and having to watch Wally go was like reopening a wound.
Some people will probably think, "Oh its just a dog, you will get over it." or "they come and go". I hate that. I have lost so many pets over the years and it hurts like hell every time they leave!
I know what losing human family members is like, I think of Wallace as a family member as well.

Saying goodbye truly must be the hardest words to utter. Its funny how much you take things for granted till someone or something is gone. Its been a little over 48 hours and the silence is driving me crazy. There is no clicking as he walks on the wood floor, no water being lapped out of the toilet at two in the morning, no wagging tail and wet nose to greet you when you walk through the door after 16 hours of lectures and being around hundreds of extroverts and introverts you don't know what to do with.  I opened the fridge this morning and the block of cheese was mocking me: cheese and apples were Wallace's favorite snack. I bumped into the empty water bowl. There was hardly enough water in it to splash out onto my socks. There are no more red hairs on the couch or my jacket anymore. In just these few days so much has changed; no more howling at the police sirens, no more slobbery kisses on my lap.
I would give anything right now to smell my stinky doggy or to pet his fuzzy muzzle again. If I could just see his doe eyes sparkling and healthy one more time...
Looking outside at the clear blue sky and the fresh green grass I can't help but think, "When it rains; it pours."
I love you Wallace, my little puppy, and I will miss you very much!

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