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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Haters gonna Hate

I have been on YouTube, Pinterest, Facebook and Tumblr recently, and one thing I found in common with each of them. HATE! I am going to get on my soapbox right now, I hope I do not step on toes or hurt anyone's ideas.
Disclaimer, I am a conservative republican, I hope that doesn't change the way you look at my blog, we all have our preferences. The following has to do with how I was raised and is based off of my own beliefs.
"Haters gonna Hate"
Its a joke, its a meme, its all over the place. It is used very often and I am pretty sure we have all heard of it. What does it mean? It is pretty self explanatory. And for the most part, its good to know, so that you don't spend your time with blood boiling, trying to think of a good comeback for someone.
But the haters..... As a person who has been slammed on the internet, had their family made fun of, had their militaristic background spit on etc...I would like to know what they are thinking. I would like to know what goes through their heads, why they think like they do. Are they just some thirteen year old with a trash mouth? Were they harmed by someone in the military when they were younger?
"Sticks and stone may break my bones; but words will never heart me"
This one I am sure we have all heard. Its a lie, my grandpa and both parents were in the military for years, and I hear so many people who think that the military are just bloodthirsty war mongers who crave death.
Really? Really? My mom was a doctor, and my dad flew armored helicopters. My grandpa faced disease, frostbite, and death, right in the face. He tries not to cry when he remembers his buddy being blown to bits.  He will always thank and look on the Marines as his heroes. (Frozen Chosin: look it up)
My dad was one of the first TSA inspectors, who when the military gave the call, he answered and went to New York days after 9/11.
I remember crying for days thinking he would never come home.
He and his coworkers are all but spit on by people I KNOW!
I have been called an ignorant (fatherless child)  when I voiced my opinion on YouTube {which I may add was actually pretty sound and in a  particular field I am very familiar with}. Sadly that was when I learned not to enter arguments with clientele on YouTube. I have also been put down for wanting to join the military like my family.
WHY? Just saying 'haters gonna hate' does not take away the wounds and scars we have been awarded by our deeds to America.
Some one please tell me?

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